Demand Response

Trusted. Simple. Low Impact

Our clients keep their technology and O&M costs low while accessing additional revenue streams. It’s a win-win!

While some of these market changes are new, APX has been at the forefront of innovation in removing complexities to ease the participation for new assets capable of reducing demand. Through MarketSuite, clients achieve the fastest dispatch and curtailment performance. This is critical when operating in wholesale programs where revenue is associated with performance. Many industry leading load serving entities and aggregators have been long-time partners that rely on APX to make their clients successful in maximizing load shedding revenue.

Everything you need to participate:

  • APX Scheduling Coordinator or Agency services
  • Day-ahead and Real-time bidding with options for automation based on bid models
  • Automated Scheduling based on awarded capacity
  • Automated Real-time dispatching and timely notifications
  • SCADA integration (if required) for ISO telemetry requirements
  • Real-time Monitoring with alerts to notify clients of any issues impeding performance
  • ISO Settlement Statements and Invoices with allocation to each modeled resource
  • Access to ISO Prices, SQMD Meter data
  • Performance reports as soon as next day to tackle trends

APX is evaluating extensions to current service models to provide support for the evolving demand response markets in New York and New England. With our current power market support in those regions, adding demand response extensions will be included in our future roadmap.